Information Officer of the Company pursuant to Right to Information Act, 2005
Shri. Siddharth Mutatkar
Manager (Finance & Accounts) & Public Information Officer (under RTI Act, 2005) MSEB Holding Company Limited,
Hongkong Bank Building, 4th Floor,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai–400001
Contact Number: +91-22-22619100
Fax: +91-22-22619699
Ex-officio Appellate Authority of the Company pursuant to Right to Information Act, 2005
Shri. Sumant Kolhe
Chief Legal Advisor and Appellate Authority (under RTI Act, 2005), MSEB Holding Company Limited,
Hongkong Bank Building, 3rd Floor,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai–400001
Contact Number: +91-22-22619100
Fax: +91-22-22619699
Payment of fee for seeking information under RTI Act, 2005.
The Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, vide, their order dated 16th September, 2005 has prescribed an application fee of Rs. 10/- for seeking information from any public authority
under RTI Act, 2005.
In view of above, the applicants seeking information related to MSEB Holding Company Limited, must enclose with their application the requisite fee of Rs. 10/- in the form of DD/Pay order drawn in favor of ‘MSEB Holding Company Limited’ payable at Mumbai.